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Catechesis of the Good Shepard

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program of Christian formation for children ages 3 through 12.  It begins with the understanding that there is a deep bond between God and each child.  CGS is based primarily on the teaching style of Maria Montessori.  This is a very hands-on approach to the Gospel.  After hearing God’s word proclaimed, children are free to work with materials that represent the essence of the Christian message. The Atrium is the spiritual environment that is specially prepared for students. It’s a prayerful place where students encounter God through prayer and contemplation.  It is our hope that through these weekly visits to the Atrium, children will begin to fall in love with God and understand the importance of prayer, scripture, and sacred liturgy.

There are 3 levels of the Atrium:

Level 1:. Ages 3-6

Level 2:. Ages 6-9

Level 3:. Ages 9-12

Currently, our catechist, Mrs. Lown, has Level 1 training, Mrs. Beuschel has both have Level 1 and Level 2 training, and Mrs. Sokolowski has training in all 3 levels.

Level 1:

At the center of the Atrium
Honors the expression of the young child’s individual praise and thanksgiving
Parable of the Good Shepherd and the Found Sheep
Incarnation, Biblical Geography of the Holy Land, Messianic Prophecies
Parables of the Kingdom of God (The Precious Pearl, The Mustard Seed, The Hidden Treasure, and The Growing Seed
Paschal Mystery: Last Supper, the City of Jerusalem, and the Resurrection narratives
Liturgical colors and calendar, vestments of the priest
Seasonal celebrations, Liturgy of Light
Articles and Gestures of the Mass
Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd
Symbols and Gestures of Baptism
Practical Life

Level 2:

Many of the same themes and parables that they learned in Level I are built upon in this level, although students dive more in-depth into every aspect of the Atrium.  In addition to learning the specific prayers of the Mass, students also get to ponder several new parables that are introduced at this level as many of them are preparing for their 1st Reconciliation and Holy Communion.  Many new works are presented, including learning more about the Bible and categorizing the many books that accompany it.  Salvation History is also a major focal point at this level as well.  Students come to understand the vastness of the Kingdom of God and most importantly, their role in it.

Level 3:

In the Level 3 Atrium the 9-12 year old child expands their understanding of the Good Shepherd in the context of the Plan of God.  Students explore the immensity of God’s plan, which reaches out to every person in every time and place.  This theme is presented through various timelines that weave together an intricate understanding of the past, connects it to the present, and helps them ponder the future.  In addition, students expand their understanding of the Mass and the Sacraments through various works that help them learn the prayers the priest offers for and on behalf of the people of God.